Railway Board Order Regarding Duty Hours of Running Staff

April 25, 2023, 7:09 PM

Government of India

Ministry of Railways

(Railway Board)

No. 2007/Elect.(TRS)/225/7            New Delhi, Dated : 24.04.2023

General Managers All Indian Railways (Including KRCL)

Sub: Duty Hours of Running Staff

Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(LL)/2016/HPC/1 dated 28.11.2016

Railway Board, vide letter under reference, has clearly instructed that the duty at a stretch (from ‘sign on’ to ‘sign off) for the Running Staff, should not exceed 9 hours, which may be extended further by two hours provided the Railway administration gives at least 2 hours notice before the expiry of 9 hours to the crew, that they would be required to perform running duty beyond 9 hours. The instructions also states that under no circumstances the duty hours of running staff per trip should exceed 12 hours. However, it is observed that the crew are being worked for more than the stipulated duty hours at times.

It is again advised to ensure the Railway Board instructions under reference.

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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, Duties & Responsibilities, Loco Pilot, Running Staff