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Result of Train Manager (Goods Guard) Departmental Exam
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M.C.No.1 (NEW – Updated on 08.05.2019)
No. E(W)2019/RSGB/4 New Delhi, dated 08.05.2019
The General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units.
Sub: Scouts activities on Indian Railways — Master Circular
Pursuant to the issue of the Master Circular No.1/90 dated 20.8.1990, instructions have been amended and several new orders issued on the policy regarding Scouting activities on Indian Railways. The question of updating the Master Circular was under consideration of the Ministry of Railways and now, it has been decided to issue the updated Master Circular.
2. At the outset, it is mentioned that the Scouts and. Guides movement, which is a world-wide one, aims at building character and inculcating a sense of discipline in those who join the organization. These, in fact, are the very qualities expected of those engaged in public service, but are sadly lacking now-a-days, both among public servants and among the public. A large number of Railway staff come in contact with public. Their courteous behavior towards the users and uprightness in dealing will go a long way in building the Railways’ image. As such, those who have gone through the scout movement are likely to prove more effective as Railway men in the day-to-day discharge of their duties.”
3. In order to give impetus to the Scouts and Guides Movement on the Indian Railways, the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have given/provided the following concessions/facilities: Leave:
(a) Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway Servants including Apprentices and trainees, who are Boy Scouts or Rover Scouts for attending training camps or rallies or when engaged under instructions from their scouts authorities, etc. within the country or outside India within the prescribed limit of 30 days in a calendar year.
(Nos.5926-F dated 23.11.40, E(W)57WE6-30 dated 22.11.57 and E(W)58WE6-6 dated 23.05.58)
(b) In respect of Leader Trainers/Assistant Leader Trainees whose services are utilised for imparting training to scouts/guides may be granted Special Casual Leave to the extent of 45 days in a calendar year. In case leave in a calendar year is required beyond this ceiling limit of 45 days, the same should be referred to the Railway Board.
(No. E(W)86WE6-3 dated 04.12.86).
(c) Period of absence of Railway employees on account of injuries sustained by them while on Special Casual Leave granted for scouting duties for which they are required to be hospitalized also regularised as special casual leave within the overall limit of 30 days/45 days, as the case may be, in a calendar year as per (a) and (b) above respectively. (No. E(W)83SP1-4 dated 12.08.83).
(d) Special Casual Leave is permitted to be combined with Casual Leave or recorded leave on scout duties but when regular leave is sanctioned in combination which Special casual Leave, Casual Leave cannot be combined.
(No. E(W)80WE6-2 dated 05.01.83).
(a) Free Special passes are issued to scouts/guides on scouting duties for their rail journeys. (Nos. 5926-F dated 23.11.40 and E(W)57WE6-30 dated 22.11.57).
(b) Special Passes are issued to the bonafide family members of Railway employees who are (No.E(W)57WE6-13 dated 14.12.57).
(c) The passes issued should be of the same class to which the employee concerned is normally (No.E(W)57WE6-13 dated 14.12.57).
(d) Commissioners of Scouts and Guides when required to travel on scouts duties are eligible for the concession of First Class Passes regardless of their entitlement in their individual capacity. Duty Card. Passes to SOCs and STCs of all Railway states may be allowed with the personal approval of the concerned General Manager, subject to fulfilment of other terms and conditions prescribed in the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986. (No.E(W)65WE6-23 dated 26.04.66 and E(W)2016/RSGB/8 dated 06.01.2017)
(e) Railways have powers to issue First Class Special Complementary Cheque Passes not
(i) He/she had been an office bearer of the Railway Scouts Organisation or had been an
(ii) He/she would be at least a President Scout/Guide or Himalayan Wood Badge Holder;
(iii) A certificate is given by the Railway State Chief Commissioner that the presence of the retired. Railway official concerned is absolutely essential and no suitable person of his/her qualifications or calibre is available for imparting training to Railway employees.
Note: These powers are to be exercised only by the General Managers/Additional General Managers and not to be re-delegated. (No.E(W)84PS5-81/1 dated 22.01.85).
TA/DA to Railway employees on Scouting duties:
(a) TA/DA as on tour at the rates appropriate to the pay of employees subject to a maximum of 15 days in a calendar year paid to scouts/guides/adult leaders/commissioners/rovers/rangers for the following activities:
(b) When deputed to attend training camps/courses organised by the State/Distt. Scout Associations, Himalayan Wood Badge Training courses or for imparting training to children, Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers.
(c) When deputed to assist the. Railway administration in Supplementing Railways’ efforts during Melas, Festivals, Accidents, Natural calamities like floods, cyclones, breaches, etc.
(d) Scouts/Guides officials deputed to attend meetings of the State/National Body; and
(e) Railway employees who are deputed to impart training or organise major scouts/guide events, such as rallies, jamborettes, conferences, etc. at the State or National levels.
Note: (i) The expenditure on TA/DA is to be met from Revenue. (ii)Grant of 15 days TADA should be within the ceiling of 30 days/45 days of Special Casual Leave. (Nos.E(W)80WE6-1 dated 27.09.82, 07.05.83 and E(W)84-WE6-7 dated 16.10.84).
Recruitment: The annual quota for recruitment is as under : Grade Pay Rs.1900 – 2 per Railway per year – 1 per Production Unit per year Grade Pay Rs.1800 – 2 per Division/ Production Unit per year.
Note: Northern Railway will recruit additional 1 per year in Grade Pay Rs.1900 and 2 per year in Grade Pay Rs.1800 who will be posted in RDSO, not to be utilised elsewhere. (No. E(NG)I1/2015/RR-2/1 dated 21.09.2015)
4. The annual per capita contribution from Staff Benefit Fund for Scouts and Guide activities is Rs.22/-. The expenditure on scouts activities in Railway schools also should be met out of the contribution of Staff Benefit Fund of the respective Railways. Allotment of funds for promotion of scouts activities will be made by the Ministry of Railways in consultation with the apex body viz. the Railways Scouts and Guides Board. (Nos. E(W)86FU1/1. dated 14.05.87, E(W)64-WE6/22 dated 27.07.65, E(W)82-WE6/2 dated 28.01.84 and E(W)201.4/FU-1/1 dated 30.07.2014)
5. In view of the purely non-commercial nature of activities of the Bharat Scouts and Guides organisation and the need to encourage the scouts and guides movements, it has been decided by the Railway Board to charge a nominal licence fee of Re.20/- per annum only in respect of building/structure licensed to the Bharat Scouts and Guides organisations. (No .88LM(B)/38/Scouts dated 18.12.1989)
6. Ministry of Railways have also decided that when a Railway employee acquires any qualification in the field of Scouting, a suitable entry should be made in his service record. (No.E(NG)I-88CR4 dated 12.05,89).
7. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have set up an Apex Body called the Railways Scouts & Guides Board consisting of: Patron : Member (Staff), Railway Board Chairman : Exe. Director, Estt.(IR), Railway Board. Treasurer Exe. Director, Finance (E) Railway Board. Secretary : Director, Estt. (Welfare), Railway Board.
Note: The Chairman of the Apex Body shall invite one of the Railway State Chief Commissioners for scouts and guides as may be nominated by the General Council (consisting of the apex body and the Railway State Chief Commissioners Scouts and Guides) as a special invitee to attend the meeting of the apex body also known as the Managing Committee of the Railways Scouts & Guides Board.
8. Objectives of the Apex Body:
(i) to have a general review of the progress of scouting movement on the Indian Railways; (ii) to call for periodical reports from the scouting organisations covering organisational aspects, service and training; and (iii) to oversee that the grants from the Staff Benefit Fund are properly and purposefully utilised.
9. General:
Scouts & Guides should be encouraged to adopt a village near their place of work for imparting training/undertaking work on adult literacy, hygiene, civic sense, etc. including organising entertainment programmes for the benefit of local population. (No. E(W)86WE6-8 dated 07.05.86).
(ii) All necessary steps should be taken to make Scouts & Guides activities mandatory for Railway school children who are not members of NCC/NSS etc. (No.E(W)2015/RSGB/8 dated 17.07.2015).
(iii) When lectures are delivered on “Staff Welfare” in Railway Staff College, Zonal Training Schools and all other training institutes, the activities of the Railway Scout Organisations should be highlighted so that the employees may be induced to take interest in such activities. (No.E(W)88WE6-5 dated 16.05.88 and 09.09.88).
(iv) Railways should not de-register wards (Scouts/Guides) of Railway servants after their retirement, etc. and such wards should be allowed to continue as members of the respective Railway Scouts and. Guides Associations of the Zonal Railways and Production Units. However, termination of the membership of a Scouts/Guide will be governed by the rules laid by the Bharat Scouts & Guides. (No. E(W)97/WE-6/11 dated 30.01.2001 and No. E(W)2012/WE-6/15 dated 21.11.2012).
(v) The staff associated with Scouts/Guides activities may be released when required by the Zonal Railways’ Scouts & Guides Associations without, of course, adversely affecting Railway operations. It may also be ensured that services of such staff who have been recruited against the Scouts & Guides quota should be utilized to meet the objectives behind recruitments against the quota. (No. E(W)2007/WE-6/12 dated 23.01.2008).
(vi) Scouting is a voluntary activity and as such, there should be no objection to allow the married son(s) or daughter(s) of a railway servant to continue with scouting/guiding activities. (No. E(W)2012/WE-6/15 dated 23/27.12.2013).
(vii) All Scouting events held at the all Indian Railways level such as IR Cub Bulbul Utsav, IR Rover Ranger Samagam, IR Cultural Exchange Programme, etc. should be treated at par with the Indian Railways Jamborette. (No. E(W)2015/RSGB/8 dated 15.07.2015).
(viii) The newly created. Seven Railway Zones viz., East Central Railway, East Coast Railway, North Central Railway, North Western Railway, South East Central Railway, South Western Railway and West Central Railway have now been recognized as States of the Bharat Scouts & Guides. (No. E(W)2008/WE-6/18 dated 16.07.2015).
(ix) Retired Railway employees may be allowed to conduct Scouts & Guides activities voluntarily. However, no retired Railway employee should be allowed to hold any post at the State/District level. He/She should not be allowed to avail any Railway facility including honorarium etc. or Railway Passes unless explicitly allowed to do so by the competent authority. Any such facility allowed to any Railway employee should be withdrawn with immediate effect. (No. E(W)2015/RSGB/8 dated 17.07.2015).
(x) The food subsidy for participants of scouting camp was increased from Rs;60/- per head per day to Rs.75 per head. per day. Subsequently, it has been decided to remove the ceiling limit of Rs.75 per head per day on food subsidy. Henceforth, each zonal Railway should decide the amount of food subsidy as per their local requirements their respective State Council meetings. The said expenditure will be incurred by each Zonal Railway from within the SBF grant disbursed annually to them for scouting activities. (No; E(W)2016/RSGB/8 dated 06.01.2017)
(xi) it has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Secondary & Higher Education) and the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) that a railway servant serving in a railway school shall be entitled to Leave on Average Pay under and subject to provisions of Rule-525(3) of IREC Vol. I fifth Edition-1985 (second reprint edition-2003) in respect of the vacation or a portion thereof not availed/foregone for undertaking scouts and guides activities as per orders of the competent authority. (No. E(W)2001/WE-6/14 dated 04.10.2006)
10. While referring to the synopsis as above, the original circulars referred to should be read for proper appreciation. The synopsis given in the Master Circulars should be construed only as a key to the original circular and not as a substitution. In case of any doubt, the original circular(s), referred to in the Master Circulars, will be relied upon as authority.
11. It should be noted that the orders/instructions issued under the various circulars have only prospective effect from the date of issue of the relevant original letter(s), unless specifically stated otherwise in the concerned letter. Hence, for dealing with old cases the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to.
12. Though efforts have been made to include all the relevant circulars on the subject, if any circular which has not been superseded, happens to be omitted, that circular, which has been omitted through’ oversight, will still hold. the field. Anyone coming across such a circular may bring it to the notice of the Railway Board for suitable action for issuing a Supplementary Circula
Please acknowledge receipt.
(D. V. Rao)
Director, Estt. (Welfare)
The consolidation has been made from the following letters: (i) No. 5926-F dated 23.11.1940. (ii) No. E(W)57-WE6/30 dated 22.11.57. (iii) No. E(W)57-WE6/15 dated 14.12.57. (iv) No. E(W)58-WE6/6 dated 24.05.58. (v) No. E(W)64-WE6/22 dated 27.07.65. (vi) No. E(W)65-WE6/23 dated 26.04.66. (vii) No.E(NG)III-79/RR1/25 dt 25.08.80. (viii) No. E(W)80-WE6/2 dated 05.01.83. (ix) No. E(W)80-WE6/1 dated 07.05.83. (x) No. E(W)83SP 1-4 dated 12.08.83. (xi) No. E(W)82-WE6/2 dated 28.01.84. (xii) No. E(W)84-WE6/7 dated 16.10.84. (xiii) No. E(W)84-PS5/18/1 dted 22.01.85. (xiv) No. E(W)86-WE6/8 dated 07.05.86. (xv) No. E(W)86-WE6/3 dated 04.12.86. (xvi) No. E(W)86FU1/1 dated 14.05.87. (xvii) No. E(W)88-WE6/5 dated 16.05.88. (xviii) No. E(W)88-WE6/5 dtd 09.09.88. (xix) No. E(W)84SC2/10 dated 19.09.88. (xx) No. E(NG)I/88/CR/4 dated 12.05.89. (xxi) No. 88/LM(B)/3/38/Scouts dated (xxii) No. E(W)90-WE6/6 dated 10.06.92. (xxiii) No. E(NG)II/99/RR2/2 dated 04.05.2000. (xxiv) No. E(W)2000/WE-6/5 dated 04.09.2001 (xxv) No. E(W)2016/RSGB/8 dated 06.01.2017 (xxvi) No. E(NG)II/2015/RR-2/1 dated (xxvii) No. E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 30.07.2014 (xxviii) No. E(W)2015/RSGB/8 dated 17.07.2015 (xxix) No. E(W)97/WE-6/11 dated 30.01.2001 (xxx) No. E(W)2012/WE-6/15 dated 21.11.2012 (xxxi) No. E(W)2007/WE-6/12 dated 23.01.2008 (xxxii) No. E(W)2012/WE-6/15 dtd 23/27.12.2013 (xxxiii) No. E(W)2015/RSGB/8 dated 15.07.2015 (xxxiv) No. E(W)2008/WE-6/18 dated 16.07.2015 (xxxv) No. E(W)2015/RSGB/8 dated 17.07.2015 (xxxvi) No. E(W)2016/RSGB/8 dated 06.01.2017 (xxxvii) No.E(W)2001/WE-6/14 dt 4.10.2006
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