Know About – Wait list Tickets & Their Confirmation Priority Policy

April 18, 2023, 1:22 PM

Based on some predefined rules, railway allots different types of waitlist quota on tickets when ticket is not confirmed.

GNWL (General Waiting List):  Confirmation for GNWL ticket is on highest priority. You may get a GNWL quota, if you are starting your journey from a station close to train source station and ending your journey at a station close to train destination station.

RLWL (Remote Location Waiting List) –  Important stations in the route of train are marked as remote location and each remote location stations have fixed number of reserved seats.  RLWL is allotted when passenger is starting journey from important intermediate station. Tickets with RLWL waiting list has less chances of confirmation since it depends on the cancellations of confirmed tickets corresponding to remote location station. All remote location stations prepare their own chart 2-4 hours before the actual departure of train.

RLGN (Remote Location General Waiting List) – RLGN is alias of RLWL. After booking seats under RLWL quota, on ticket, it is marked as RLGN.

CKWL or TQWL (Tatkal Waiting List): If you are booking your ticket under tatkal Scheme, you get CKWL status when tickets are unreserved. Tatkal tickets directly gets confirmed and doesn’t go through RAC status unlike other quotas It is important to note that GNWL tickets will confirm first and then CKWL. Hence there is a very less chance that a CKWL ticket will be confirmed.

Apart from these  popular waiting list quotas, Indian Railways has defined some other W/L quotas in long journey trains. 

PQWL (Pooled Quota Waiting List) – PQWL is alloted if passenger starts  journey from source station or other intermediate station of train but terminate  journey at some intermediate station before destination station of train. There is a single Pooled Quota for entire run of train which is shared by all small enroute stations and hence it has very less chances of confirmation.

RSWL (Roadside Station Waiting List) RSWL is allotted when berths or seats are booked by the originating station for journeys up to the road side station only up-to the extent of accommodation earmarked for that Road Side quota. In such cases, distance restriction does not apply while booking. This waiting list has also very less chances of confirmation.

RQWL – (Request Waiting List) – RQWL is allotted if ticket is booked from one intermediate station to another intermediate station and when it is not covered by neither general quota, remote location quota nor pooled quota. A RQWL ticket may get confirmation only when there is a cancellation of confirmed ticket for a passenger travelling from the originating station to that intermediate station.


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