4. Management Process

December 1, 2021, 11:27 PM




ECONOMICAL – Financial position of the people around the Organization 
EDUCATIONAL – Education background and qualification of the society in general around the organization. 
TECHNICAL :- Technical qualification and skill possessed by the Local population. 
POLITICAL :- The political situation ,priorities of the ruling party in Local administration or state. 
LEGAL :- Rules , regulations, policies, procedures, adopted by general administration of the area 
GEOGRAPHICAL:- The location of the organization and the availability or resources in near by vicinity. 
CULTURAL :- The faith , belief , religious , practice of the people of the area. BY-Mc Farland- Management is process by which a Manager creates ,directs, maintain and operate organization through systematic and co-ordinative human efforts and with optimum use of resource in completion of objective for growth and survival of any organization. Every Manager has to deeply study the environmental factor that effects growth and future of organization with regular Feedback.



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